By artist Samantha Salisbury in collaboration with researcher Jose Gonzalez-Rodriguez
Sculpture made from metal and recycled materials. A work in progress.


Image 1: A recycled car; a concept that symbolises the modern world with the need to recycle.
Image 2: The design board where the ideas and the recycled materials merge.
Image 3: A metal frame that shows a glimpse of the piece to come.
Image 4: And like the wizard’s tin man, this car has a tin heart.


We buy, we consume, we use, we dispose… this is the way much of our lifestyle ends in the bin. Much of these materials may end in landfills or are destroyed, but others can find a second life being given to them. They are transformed into something else, they are shaped to be back to our lives and to have a second opportunity in a reincarnation process where metal cans may end as flower pots….where a car made of metal may last a lifetime and come back to us again and again. A cycle where nothing is destroyed and nothing is wasted. A car, a recycled car, as an expression of our modern life. A car, a modern car, where electricity and recycled materials give life and movement to its spinning wheels and make our environment and our planet a cleaner placeOur thirst for resources can be satisfied in a circular economy and we will avoid opening new minesreducing the environmental impact they cause. Our waste is no longer a useless element that we never see again. Our waste is just coming back to us in a reincarnated form to close the circle of their useful life.



  • Concept sketches of the car sculpture from side and front views
  • Two, outlines of a car profile, made from metal wire, lying on white paper on a workbench
  • The metal wire skeleton of the concept car, shown from above
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